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Cathy Barry

উপনাম: Cindy Q, Cathy Berry

দেশ: United Kingdom

জন্ম: September 28, 1967

চোখ: Hazel

চুল: Brown

উচ্চতা: 154 cm

ওজন: 56 kg

স্তন: Fake

ভিউ: 3

পর্নস্টার Cathy Barry ভিডিও

1 ভিডিও
In 2004, Barry underwent a breast implant operation that was broadcast live on the British TV show Cosmetic Surgery Live. It was reported as being the biggest breast enlargement operation to be performed in the UK at that time.

In 2007, Barry won the award for Best British Performer at the ETO Awards show. She was given a lifetime achievement award at the 2007 UK Adult Film Awards.

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